Index Section 8 | DEBUG

DEBUG examples

Com2txt.bat (used SED.EXE) ...Output examples Purpose Restore.bat (used SED and STRINGS.COM) Additional. (used MS-DOS) Filesize (hex or dec and removes the CRLF to CON -- April 18, 01) Into env variable (simply brief, beautiful & useful -- April 19, 01) Put "quotes" around a text. (QUOTES.BAT -- April 19, 01) Remove the CR+LF (April 20, 01) Toolbox (name it DEBUG~it, BUGportal or getBUGS.bat -- April 29, 01) Add hex numbers. (ADD_hex.bat -- May 05, 01) dec2hex (dec2hex.bat -- May 13, 01)
Com2txt.bat :: Date May 27, 2000   :: Author B.Pedersen :: Tested on Win98.: Copy & paste (1.355 byte:) @Echo off Echo Make a text copy (a .SCR file) of a .COM or any other file. You Echo can later create the file (use Restore.BAT or) from the SCRipt: If not exist "%windir%\command\SED.EXE" Exit Echo DEBUG Filename - Filename.SCR |SED "s/^/\n\n\n/; s/-/</;" > CON For %%c in ( . . . .----------------------------- . . . ) do Echo%%c If %1'==' For %%c in (Echo.Dragÿandÿdropÿtheÿfileÿtoÿ%0 Exit) do %%c For %%c in (LS : D) do C%%c %temp%\ Rem >%1.SCR For %%v in (.RCX . .Q) do Echo%%v>>%1.SCR Debug %1<%1.SCR |Sed "/^C/!d;s/CX\(.*\)/D100 L\1\nQ\nset b=\1/">DATA Debug %1 < DATA |Sed "/:/!d; s/....:/E /; s/-/ /; s/ .*//" >%1.SCR Sed "$!d;s/$/\ndel data/" DATA>DATA.BAT Dir/b %1 | Sed "s/^/set x=/" >>DATA.BAT For %%f in ( Call Del ) do %%f DATA.BAT For %%v in (RCX %B% W Q -------"%X%.SCR"-------) do Echo %%v>>%1.SCR For %%c in (Echo.------ Type) do %%c %1.SCR |MORE Echo.>{TEST}.COM Debug {TEST}.COM<%1.SCR> NUL FC %0 %0 | Sed "/FC: /!d ; s/....\(.\{14\}\).*/set x=\1/" > {FC}.BAT For %%f in (Call Del) do %%f {FC}.BAT FC /b {TEST}.COM %1| Find "%X%" > NUL If not errorlevel 1 Echo. ÿÿÿÿÿ ** The script was successful ** If errorlevel 1 Echo ** ERROR ** ERROR ** ERROR ** ERROR ** ERROR ** If errorlevel 1 Del %1.SCR For %%v in (B X) do Set %%v= For %%c in (Del Pause Cls Exit) do %%c {TEST}.COM Output examples: * WRITE.COM.SCR E 0100 BB 80 00 43 80 3F 0D 75 FA C6 07 24 B4 09 BA 82 E 0110 00 39 DA 7F 02 CD 21 B4 4C CD 21 RCX 001B W Q -------WRITE.COM.SCR------- * Color.BAT.SCR This batchfile contains special syntax (not included in the other sections). If you want to see those? then you must restore the batchfile from the script or, you most be good to those Hx numbers. - Hmmm, 40 Hx (see below) is 64 Dec so,... (See table.) E 0100 40 45 63 68 6F 20 6F 66 66 0D 0A 54 79 70 65 20 E 0110 25 30 7C 46 69 6E 64 20 22 C3 22 7C 46 69 6E 64 E 0120 2F 76 20 22 30 22 3E 29 2E 63 6F 6D 0D 0A 46 6F E 0130 72 20 25 25 63 20 69 6E 20 28 50 61 75 73 65 20 E 0140 43 61 6C 6C 20 45 63 68 6F 2E 28 FF 48 6D 6D 6D E 0150 20 50 61 75 73 65 20 44 65 6C 20 43 6C 73 20 47 E 0160 6F 74 6F 29 20 64 6F 20 25 25 63 20 29 2E 63 6F E 0170 6D 0D 0A B8 00 0B BB 08 00 CD 10 B8 00 06 B9 00 E 0180 00 BA 4F 18 B7 4F CD 10 B4 02 BA 00 00 B7 00 CD E 0190 10 C3 0D 0A 3A 29 0D 0A RCX 0098 W Q -------Color.BAT.SCR------- Purpose The above Color.BAT.SCR file, is created using drag and drop, (Color.BAT file to the icon of Com2txt.BAT) I can now delete my Color.BATch file and make it again, (drag and drop the "Color.BAT.SCRipt" file to "Restore.BAT":) Restore.bat (or: scr2com.bat) @Echo off Rem Make somefile from somefile.SCR Rem Used SED.EXE and STRINGS.COM Rem Tested on Win98 Rem Benny Pedersen, February 12, 00 -- (Updated Sept 13) For %%c in (LS : D) do C%%c %temp%\ Set x=EXT Strings x=FILE%x% %1 If not %x%==SCR For %%c in (Echo Bad_command... Goto) do %%c END. (reson:) :: Set x=Name ( witout drive, path and the Ext .SCR ) Dir/b %1 | Sed "s/^/set x=/; s/\.SCR$//" > x.bat For %%f in (Call Del) do %%f x.bat If not exist "%x%" Goto Restore Echo. File "%temp%\%x%" exist Echo.1: Overwrite Echo.2: Delete + Exit Choice /c:123 3: Exit If not errorlevel 3 Del "%x%" If errorlevel 2 For %%c in (Set Cls Exit) do %%c x= :Restore Echo.>q Debug q < %1 > NUL @Copy q /v/b "%x%" > NUL Erase q Echo ** The file is created (%temp%\%x%) ** :End For %%c in (Set Pause Cls Exit) do %%c x= Additional for Win98: @Echo off :: The file is identical to the file. (See the script.) Echo N> Writ Echo A 100>> Writ For %%v in ("MOV BX, 80" "INC BX" "CMP BYTE [BX], D" ) do Echo %%v>>Writ For %%v in ("JNE 103" "MOV BYTE [BX], 24" "MOV AH, 9") do Echo %%v>>Writ For %%v in ("MOV DX,82" "CMP DX,BX" "JG 117" "INT 21") do Echo %%v>>Writ For %%v in (."MOV AH, 4C" ."INT 21" . .RCX .1B .W .Q ) do Echo%%v>> Writ Echo.> Debug < Writ > NUL Echo Done. Writ And now we see Writ what Echo this is about... Del/p Writ.* Cls


@echo off
attrib %0 > %temp%.\~a.bat

REM SET X = Size of file ~a.bat (hex) > %temp%.\~x.scr
for %%v in (.rcx . .q) do echo%%v    >> %temp%.\~x.scr
debug %temp%.\~a.bat < %temp%.\~x.scr > %temp%.\~x.bat
echo e106"  SET X" 3D                 > %temp%.\~x.scr
for %%v in (rCX E w106 q) do echo %%v>> %temp%.\~x.scr
debug %temp%.\~x.bat < %temp%.\~x.scr > NUL
call  %temp%.\~x.bat
echo.  The size of "%temp%.\~a.bat" is %X% byte (hex),

REM Remove the CRLF from the output to CON: "(dec):" > %temp%.\~x.scr
for %%v in (L102 w F100LFF''1A L w102 q) do echo %%v>> %temp%.\~x.scr
echo.  (dec): >        %temp%.\~x.bat
debug %temp%.\~x.bat < %temp%.\~x.scr > NUL
type  %temp%.\~x.bat > CON

REM             And the file size is (dec):     > %temp%.\~x.scr
for %%v in (F0L%X%''A rCX %X% w0 q) do echo %%v>> %temp%.\~x.scr
type %temp%.\~x.scr | debug %temp%.\~x.scr > NUL
find /v /c "" < %temp%.\~x.scr
del %temp%.\~*.*
set X=

Into environment variable

: The following is based on a solution by William Allen so, it was NOT
: a competition about, Who can write this more brief than another. The
: @ECHO OFF was actually working. (Tested on Win98).
  @echo off> %temp%.\~.bat
  for %%e in ( e5'SET'20'X'3D rcx 6 w5 q ) do echo %%e>> %temp%.\~.bat
  type %temp%.\~.bat |debug %temp%.\~.bat> nul
  echo Hello World>> %temp%.\~.bat
: FIND "ot" <   %0>> %temp%.\~.bat

Into environment variables

  @echo off
  echo.. | choice /c'%1.> nul
  for %%v in (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) do if errorlevel 0}%%v set L=0%%v0
  echo ~%1> %temp%.\~#.bat
  for %%v in (L0 f110L%L%''9''9''9''9''9''9'set'20'%%#'3D'#'D''A) do echo %%
  for %%v in (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) do echo e01%%vB'%%v'>>%temp%.\~#.bat
  for %%v in (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) do echo m%%vL1 1%%vD>>%temp%.\~#.bat
  for %%v in (rcx %L% w110 q ) do echo %%v>>         %temp%.\~#.bat
  type %temp%.\~#.bat |debug %temp%.\~#.bat> nul
  call %temp%.\~#.bat n1  n2  n3  n4  n5  n6  n7  n8
  for %%v in (%n1% %n2% %n3% %n4% %n5% %n6% %n7% %n8%) do echo. %%v
  for %%v in (L CMDLINE n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8) do set %%v=
  del  %temp%.\~#.bat

Put "quotes" around a text

@echo off    %{ QUOTES.BAT }%
if not exist %1 call goto EOF
rem: This batch code surrounds a text with quotes, i.e. "text"  > %temp%.\~
for %%v in (L102 e101''22 w f100LFFF''22 L w101 q) do echo %%v >> %temp%.\~
debug  %1 < %temp%.\~ > nul
del %temp%.\~
:EOF         %{ PS.: The ASCII value of a quote (") is 22 hex. }%

Rik D'haveloose wrote:
SNIP...  Same tehnique could be used to get rid of the CR+LF charachters
(hex 0D, 0A) from an echoed line of text (to append something later with
echo.....), although i then would prefer to use hex20 (space) instead of
the quote :-), and maybe some shorter version as:

FOR %%v in (L102 e100''20''20 w q) do echo %%v>>%temp%.\temp.sfd
                       ^^  ^^

      Hi Rik, Yes hex 20 can be used but also hex A or hex 9 as:
      FOR %%v in (f0L2''A L2 w0 q) do echo %%v>>%temp%.\temp.sfd
      Benny.            ^


   Updated April 2001, (click here to see the previous version).
   Maybe under construction in September 2001. (All previous got
   problems with COM files and I also got some new stuff 2 use).

   The following batch can be used to starting the DEBUG prompt.
   Some DEBUG commands i.e. suggestions are displayed before the
   DEBUG prompt. My suggestions which are available and ready to
   be copied and pasted can be used OR you can just ignore them.
   You can as usually type DEBUG or DEBUG FILE at the DOS prompt
   or you can use the below batch. Notis that 1 line is wrapped:

   @echo off
   if not exist %1 call goto: no_file. > %temp%.\~.bat
   echo e100''09''20''40'set'20'%%1'3D > %temp%.\~.scr
   for %%v in (rcx 10 w q) do echo.%%v>> %temp%.\~.scr
   for %%v in (.rcx  .  .q) do echo%%v>> %temp%.\~.bat
   type  %temp%.\~.bat | debug %1 .... > %temp%.\~.bat
   debug %temp%.\~.bat < %temp%.\~.scr > nul
   call  %temp%.\~.bat CX
   attrib %1
   echo mB800:1A L126 B800:0 > %temp%.\~.scr
   echo fB800:A0 L084 '-' 32>> %temp%.\~.scr
   echo q                   >> %temp%.\~.scr
   debug < %temp%.\~.scr > nul
   for %%v in (. .f0LFFFF''20 .L .e0E0'0123456789ABCDEF') do echo%%v
   echo e0F0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
   for %%v in (dE0L20 d100L%CX%) do echo.%%v
   set CX=
   goto end
   for %%v in (. . .eF0''0''1''2''3''4''5''6''7''8''9''A''B''C''D''E''F .f10
0LFF00''20 .fE0L10'0123456789ABCDEF' .dE0LD0 .) do echo%%v
   echo m B800:A0L4E4 B800:BC> %temp%.\~.scr
   echo q                   >> %temp%.\~.scr
   debug < %temp%.\~.scr > nul
   debug %1
   for %%v in (erase cls) do %%v %temp%.\~.*

   EXIT.--Maybe under construction in September 2001.
   @echo off
   if not exist %1 call goto:no_file. > %temp%.\~.bat
   echo exit|%comspec%/kprompt e100'set CX='$_rcx$_7$_w$_q|debug %temp%.\~.b
   echo exit|%comspec%/kprompt rcx$_$_ $Hfor %%%%%%%%v in (%%%%CX%%%%) do se
t CX=L%%%%%%%%v$_q|debug %1|find "C">>%temp%.\~.bat
   for %%v in (cls call) do %%v %temp%.\~.bat  [ CX ]
   attrib %1
   echo %- COLORS -%exit|%comspec%/kprompt mB800:1AL126 B800:0$_fB800:A0L84'
   for %%v in (. .f0LFFFF''20 .L .eE0'0123456789ABCDEF') do echo%%v
   echo eF0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
   for %%v in (dE0L20 d100%CX%) do echo.%%v
   echo                                    exit|%comspec%/kprompt $_eF0 0 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F$_f100LFF00 20$_eE0'0123456789ABCDEF'$_dE0LD0$_
   echo %- OFFSET -%exit|%comspec%/kprompt mB800:A0L4E4 B800:BC$_q|debug>nul
   for %%v in ("set CX=" "debug %1" del:%temp%.\~.bat cls) do %%v


:Usage of ADD_hex.bat: call add_hex c [=] c + c
:Example: c = 5 + FAC9 would return c  =  FACE  (hex)  =  05 + 64201  (dec).
:Hint:    x   c + FFFE would return x  =  c - 2 (any value of c except c=1).

echo h%2 %4> %temp%.\add_hex1.bat
echo q>> %temp%.\add_hex1.bat
debug<%temp%.\add_hex1.bat |find "-"/v> %temp%.\add_hex1.bat
for %%v in (rcx B eF9'set'9'%%1'3D wF9 q) do echo %%v>> %temp%.\add_hex1.bat
type %temp%.\add_hex1.bat|debug %temp%.\add_hex1.bat>nul
call %temp%.\add_hex1 %1
del %temp%.\add_hex1.bat


    This file is based on an idea by Tom L. so, I
    tried several ideas and I also tested it for speed, etc...

Example 1: (a file for testing the dec2hex.bat)
    @echo off
    call dec2hex 65535
    echo %Hex%
    set Hex=

Example 2: (a file for testing the dec2hex.bat)
    @echo off
    if not !!!!!'==%1' for %%! in (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) do call %0 %1! %2%%!
    if !!!!!==%1 call dec2hex %2
    if !!!!!==%1 echo %Hex%
    if !!!!!==%1 echo %Hex%>> TESTING.TXT
    if %Hex%==0FA0 for %%v in (set exit) do %%v Hex=

    Several speed test have been performed. Thereby, the resulting file
    below has been changed very much.

    Note about line number 3:  rem -------> -.tmp
    It seems that the syntax:  ctty nul   > -.tmp
    can't be used in any batch programs. They simply get unstable.
    This also includes the "CTTY CON > file.ext" So, never use it!

@echo off  > 0%1.#
rem dec2hex> -
rem -------> -.tmp
ctty nul
for %%v in (rcx 1 e100''A w q) do echo %%v>>-
type - | debug -
for %%v in (0.# 0?.# 0??.# 0???.# 0????.#) do ren %%v 0%%v
for %%v in (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9) do if exist 0????%%v.# set Hex=%%v
echo.%Hex% | choice /c0123456789
for %%v in (2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 :) do if errorlevel %%v copy /b -.tmp+-
if not exist 00000?.# copy /b -+-+-+-+- -A.tmp
ren 0?????.# 0????.# >-
if not exist 00000.# for %%c in (c c goto:) do %%copy /b -+-A.tmp
for %%v in (r q) do echo %%v>>-
debug -.tmp < - | find "AX=" >-.bat
echo set Hex=%%5> AX.bat
call -.bat
ctty con
for %%v in (-?.* 0*.# AX.bat) do del %%v

-Top- Section 8 | DEBUG